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Queen's Trusted player Application

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  • Queen's Trusted player Application

    Username: [ATM]Queen
    Any previous names: Saint_Queen [iQ]Saint_Queen Saint_Queen[M4] Queen[M4]
    Registered: 2016
    IRC Nickname (if any): Queens
    Time spent in-game (hours): 972 hours
    I would like to say thanks to manager Left for letting me apply. And apologize to admins Blackbird and Adrenaline for my attitude. I'm sorry for my bad behaviour, I tried to improve myself in this month. No more words and Thanks to all Admins.

  • #2
    Positive vote from me. Active and helpful. Try to keep the good work up. Please don't repeat the silly stuff you did some time ago. I am talking about your thread where you told us that you was going to leave the server. One or two days later you came back. That's seeking for attention.

    Anyways, like I already said, you are active and helpful. Just try to work on the negative points you have when you are mad.


    • #3
      However, I can see you fixed your personality and stopped being sensitive, very good thing I expect to see from people, and now you deserve it more than before.

      The reason why I will vote positive is clearly visible, activity, helping and reporting... everything is present here good, nothing absent, so without further to say, and without lengthening my post, you get my positive vote.

      Good luck!


      • #4
        I agree with the positive reasons above, I can see that you are a very good player now Yes from me too


        • #5
          I don't think there is anything else to add. Yes for me too


          • #6
            Yes from me too


            • #7
              Don't quit over silly reasons again... other than that, clearly helpful and nicer than before so yes from me too.


              • #8
                well honestly i don't care about your past but now you changed a lot and really you doing good job positive vote from me . good luck


                • #9
                  You are a drama maker and an attention seeker from what I saw. In my opinion, you don't deserve it at the moment.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Toxic_Ro View Post
                    You are a drama maker and an attention seeker from what I saw. In my opinion, you don't deserve it at the moment.
                    Thanks for your vote Toxic. But I want to inform you about somethings.(Not trying to change your mind about me or your vote)
                    I never tried to make fight/drama between gamerx players I always try to make a friendly space. And about attention seeker you're completely wrong I wish I knew you knew more details about that then judge me. Anyway Thanks.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Queen View Post
                      Thanks for your vote Toxic. But I want to inform you about somethings.(Not trying to change your mind about me or your vote)
                      I never tried to make fight/drama between gamerx players I always try to make a friendly space. And about attention seeker you're completely wrong I wish I knew you knew more details about that then judge me. Anyway Thanks.

                      Happened one month ago, thread made only for attention seeking purposes. Sorry if I seem rude but you are wrong and I don't really think you need to be trusted player now.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Toxic_Ro View Post

                        Happened one month ago, thread made only for attention seeking purposes. Sorry if I seem rude but you are wrong and I don't really think you need to be trusted player now.
                        Agree with Admin Toxic_Ro,

                        and also I don't see you helping or reporting much, only I see you putting bounty on players and only a few reports.

                        NO from me.

                        EDIT: Ah please, I'm not here to tell you "you are putting bounties" reason of my post is that "you dont report much and thats why you dont get my yes", thats it.
                        Last edited by Instant; 28-06-16, 02:29 PM.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Instant View Post
                          Agree with Admin Toxic_Ro,

                          and also I don't see you helping or reporting much, only I see you putting bounty on players and only a few reports.

                          NO from me.
                          Take a look to TP EnjoyTheNoise about bounties . Thanks for vote.


                          • #14
                            Whatever has happend in past wasnt really a huge mistake/disaster that people should remember and judge you by your past,I am gonna give you yes because ,even after all you have came through and put many efforts to became tp aswell you are very helpfull active player and aswell friendly player.About that post i would only say you have just write about you feeling for your friends.even though there is a big drama maker in game and he/she deserving more than anyone then why not you.
                            Last edited by Kanwar; 28-06-16, 03:09 PM.
                            Sienna Belle :-Love me like you do
                            VidyaVox :-The Closer MashUp - ( Kabira ) - Vidya Vox


                            • #15

                              Status will be granted as soon as we will see you online.
                              * PM from Vishwajit_king (ID:74) to Left (ID:31): thanks sir for rejecting my TP application
                              * PM from Vishwajit_king (ID:74) to Left (ID:31): sir i love admins like u


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